A constellation of dreams at Dover Street Market, LONDON.
“A moment after the fairy’s entrance the window was blown open by the breathing of the little stars, and Peter dropped in.” Peter Pan, J.M. Barrie, 1911.
Puppetry in time with no strings attracted? - Trust blind acceptance - the exposure of ‘in plain sight' - Clown - Mime - Jester - Joker - Entertainer - Puck.
A slow unraveling, quiet volatility, resistant surrender - a breaking down - to reveal the internal within the traditionally tailored and concealed - raw wounds - inflicted or enforced? Yet never accidental - exposed, and ready to be frayed.
A silhouette rooted in the intimate, the nape of the neck, a neat shoulder, exposed wrists - a volume over hip - lost boyhood - the happy daze of daydream distractions - to resurface with a melancholy realisation of the present tense. J.M Barrie’s open window, Pablo’s blue period - peopled with the chalken tender - Wolfgang Amadeus tailcoats and baroque audacity - of an upside down reworking of a melody - replayed until satisfied - a shrill cascade of laughter - a pause of pleasure.
The granular miso-micro glitter sequins embedded into fine wool suitings - like flecks of the subconscious resisting the consumption of the darkness… or are they stars in a pollution-free sky? I’ll be home for Christmas if only in my dreams.
Kawakubo timing is so precise - digital tight - sundial uncompromising - time-delay felt in response to everything else seen after - everything else is everything else.
The considered offering of 5 white shirts - seemingly similar cut from the same poplin cloth - but character different - who else would offer such a series when one will do? A sure sign that CDG dance to the rhythm of their own drum - an internal beat of clarity - an external opportunity. A certain enthusiastic cruelty that you cannot own all five - the wearer tested to decide - to react in instinct - where to wear - gaining speed to clothing the within.
And of course, there are those who respond with the immediacy of disdain - possibly objecting to the seemingly ostentatious - but that is also part of this Caucus race - removing the sense of selecting for the gaze of another.
“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it.” Peter Pan, J.M. Barrie, 1911.
Comme des Garçons Homme Plus - Dover Street Market, 18-22 Haymarket, London SW1Y 4DG
Image: Spring Summer 2023.
Special Thanks: Mo Nan