Paolo Roversi - Palais Galliera - PARIS.
Paolo Roversi, Audrey, Comme des Garçons, Paris 1996 - Polaroid originaux.
A thread of light glides to splay across a herringbone of parquet -
- where walls are remembered in the warmth of wine held up to the sun - swilling to blur as to refocus a maze of memories -
- a tiny deckle-edged image hovers in a frame - as the tawn flutterings of a butterfly waits - illuminated as balletic - fuse into focus - in the familiar smoke of one whose gaze evokes the form of the ephemeral.
Walls concave as if in motion - a gallery as womb - as a zoetrope stilled - portraits watch - as to walk these rooms - is to become the motion - where the many faces combine to one - emotion paused in motion.
To draw close - to breathe in a composure of chemistry - where the vermillion and emeralds of stained glass evoke the whispered prayers of a chapel of our lady - an ode to the girl - before she becomes herself - the fairies of flashes to shimmer as the phosphorescence - of the first sight, the fleeting, the last good buy.
As walls become sheer, in this vestry of clouds - a scrim of washes - veil these in-betweens - where polaroid becomes picture - where time abates - where you are still here.
Paolo Roversi, Palais Galliera, Paris. Curator: Sylvie Lécallier, Scenographer: Ania Martchenko.
Palais Galliera - Paris - Until 14 July 2024.
Images: Louise Desoeuvre
Special Thanks Ania Martchenko