The enigmatic artist discusses his creative process while introducing a film made from memory.
Film still from ‘Threaded’ by Rami El Zein, courtesy of the artist 2023.
Please introduce your film Threaded.
Threaded is a short animated film about concealed identity and cultural and familial expectations of a young Arab man called Faisal. It follows a dark chapter of his life where his secrets are revealed as well as the consequences he suffers. The story is told from his mother’s perspective. We hear her version of the events whilst seeing everything unfold from his side.
Your use of the rotoscoping animation technique within your film is very affecting, there is an amazing sense of depth of emotion captured within your line quality, how did you decide upon this technique and why do you use it?
I’ve been using this technique for almost ten years now and I love it for the exact reasons you mentioned. It allows for the emotional depth to really peak through. It makes you realise that although we are in an imaginary animated world, the story stems from real life. It adds a sense of realism and documentary effect that you can’t really get from other animated techniques. This is the first time I have used digital oil paints. And although it’s a very lengthy process animating frame by frame, I’m deeply enjoying it. It’s such a rewarding experience when you see the clips playback.
Film still from ‘Threaded’ by Rami El Zein, courtesy of the artist 2023.
You have lived in different countries, with very specific cultures, what have you learned from each place you have lived in and how has this influenced your work as an artist?
I think living in different countries made me realise that it’s ok that I don’t belong to any specific culture. Because I don’t feel that sense of belonging, I focus more on what connects us all emotionally. That’s why I lean into family dynamics and generational trauma in my storytelling. Because these are topics that the audience can identify and connect with. For many people watching a film between a parent and their child, they can understand that connection regardless of where and when the story takes place. It sounds simplistic and obvious but I do think there’s something powerful in that.
Film still from ‘Threaded’ by Rami El Zein, courtesy of the artist 2023.
The use of darkness as an atmosphere within the film, seems to engulf the characters, the depths of tone seems to wash over the subjects... what is your relationship with darkness within 'Threaded' and can you expand upon your decision-making process to create spaces which seem so expansive and yet undefined?
Because of the dark subject matter, it was important for me to hold back from anything decorative. Some scenes are coloured, some are in black and white. As you watch the film, you will notice how the different timelines look aesthetically different. Every colour in this film is deliberately chosen to evoke a message. Because this film also explores memories and the retelling of events, the darkness around the characters allows us to focus on what is essential in the scene. I am also showing the suppression that the main character is facing.
Film still from ‘Threaded’ by Rami El Zein, courtesy of the artist 2023.
Freedom of release is something that connects all artists - what do you want to release with your film 'threaded'?
We’re living in a world where hatred and persecution are on the rise around the world. Violence is everywhere whether it’s the refugee crisis, climate change, the agenda against the LGBTQIA+ community etc... I think anyone who is paying attention today is feeling a sense of dread of what’s coming next. My films have always been a means for me to process those feelings. Particularly when I’m drawing frame by frame. That’s my release...
Film still from ‘Threaded’ by Rami El Zein, courtesy of the artist 2023.
Film still from ‘Threaded’ by Rami El Zein, courtesy of the artist 2023.